Time’s Up 20 Year Anniversary

To celebrate Time’s Up turning 20, projections were done on the ceiling and walls of the Houston street space. Hot night, great time with a vital organization. For the event, Peter Shapiro and myself recorded bikers off the street on their bikes (made stationary with a home made free standing bike mount) in profile. We…

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With: Ikue Mori, Ray Sweeten, Jon Giles, Luke Dubois, SeeJ, Zach Layton, o.blaat, and UG’s kahuna, David Linton Each performer will be creating audio and video simultaneously. 2 sets at 8 & 10 $6. Special rate for both sets: $10 UNITYGAIN

Sleep of Reason

Speakeasy Cinema and ZUVUYA COLLECTIVE present THE SLEEP OF REASON Speakeasy Cinema and ZUVUYA COLLECTIVE present THE SLEEP OF REASON Monday September 17, 2007 7:30PM $5 Collective Unconscious 279 Church St. at White St. NYC Based on Goya’s “The Sleep of Reason…” El sueno de la razon produce monstuos (the sleep of reason breeds monsters).…

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