
This is a new site specific installation that captures the movement of a swing and creates an immersive visual experience. Momentum amplifies the sense of weightlessness experienced at the apex of change. This was part of the Monitor Digital festival in Guadalajara, Mexico. This whole project is a collaboration between many people, without who’s support…

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Glory Road

Showing September 18 – 21, 2013 12 – 1:30pm & 4 – 6pm (20-minute performances) Grace Plaza 1114 Avenue of the Americas (at 43rd Street) An Arts Brookfield Commission The Nerve Tank, a world-class theater innovator, brings the woeful myth of Sisyphus to the Grace Building Plaza. Sisyphus, a daring and clever king who outwitted…

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Crystalline Time

I art-directed and project managed this projection mapping installation overlooking the High Line titled, “Crystalline Time”. This was an outdoor projection installation on the Taconic building at 837 Washington, designed as a compelling visual treatment to the construction scaffolding. The design goal was to raise interest and buzz about the building for a future client base.…

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